Chillin with the Emperor and Empress of Japan

jj_imperial How does an encounter with the royal family affect one’s life? For me it re-affirms the simple activities that I engage in everyday. Somehow it seems to be part of a larger fate that was set up for me, but this is something I’m not exactly sure how to put into words.

There are times when things fall into place and everything seems calculated by a larger unknown presence, I don’t dare to call it anything other than “unknown,” so I’ll leave it at that. Life is just a manner of finding where I fit in the sprockets of this fate, a challenging situation but nothing other than the essence of truly being alive.

In conjunction with their highnesses’ recent visit to Oahu KGMB did a TV series about the Royal family’s historical ties with Hawaii. The video features interviews with me and other scholars who are contributing to strengthening cross-cultural bonds across the Pacific. Check out the full video from KGMB here (Section two includes shots of my studio at Geidai in Ueno.)